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2017 home event big event nature flooring double 11 sales billions

Towards the end of 2017, looking back to this year, the market structure and operation of the household industry have undergone tremendous changes. The introduction of every new regulation, the occurrence of every major event, the emergence of each keyword, and some may affect the development of the industry Of the important factors, and some become the vane of the development of the industry, while others indicate the direction and trend of development of the industry. Let us now review the big events that led to widespread industry attention and debate in 2017.
Memorandum of new regulations.
"Environmental Labeling Product Technical Requirements - Furniture" was officially implemented

February 1, Ministry of Environmental Protection released the "technical requirements for environmental labeling products - furniture," the official. An environmental mark, a label on the product or on its packaging, is a "Proven Trademark" of the product, which indicates that the product is not only of acceptable quality, but also meets specific environmental protection requirements during its manufacture, use and disposal. Compared with the previous standards, this new version of the standard is generally more stringent, adjusting a number of environmental requirements added. This also means that after the implementation of the new standard, our country will be able to obtain environmental labeling furniture products will be more green.

Formaldehyde release limited GB release

May 24, AQSIQ, the National Standards Commission issued a revised "interior decoration materials and wood-based products and formaldehyde emission limit" national standards. The new standard modified formaldehyde test methods and formaldehyde emission limit value, the required formaldehyde emission limit value of 0.124 mg / cubic meter, limited edition identification E1, the implementation of the date of May 1, 2018.

New rules for architectural coatings on September 1 implementation

September 1, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will simultaneously implement the new architectural coatings and adhesives environmental standards, namely "building coatings and adhesives volatile organic compounds content limits," the production, sale, use Building coatings and adhesives in all aspects of the whole process of control, thereby reducing the use of these products in the course of VOCs generated by the unorganized emissions. EPA expects the "standard" after the implementation, you can reduce the construction coatings and adhesives VOCs emissions of about 20% to 40%.

Beijing furniture sales contract model text revision

November 22, Beijing Municipal Administration of Industry released a revised "Beijing Furniture Sales Contract" model text. The newly revised "Beijing Furniture Sales Contract" model text lists the types of common furniture and mahogany furniture, the main material classification are listed, especially the higher value mahogany furniture were described. At the same time, the model text encourages operators to make commitments to consumers higher than the deadline set by the country's "Three Guarantees" on the basis of the original "Regulations on Responsibilities for Repair, Replacement and Return of Furniture Products in Beijing" and write down the contract. Among them, ordinary furniture, "Three Guarantees" period of not less than 1 year, mahogany furniture shall not be less than two years. In delivery, the operator should also be accompanied by furniture products, "Three Guarantees" certificate.

"Chinese home improvement product standards" passed the third validation
In late October, representatives of more than 20 well-known home improvement enterprises in the country, including East Yirisheng and Tupa Rabbit, fiercely clashed at the Third Review (Final Audit) meeting. Gradually, they started to make concerted efforts on the concepts, service contents, service boundaries, charges Mode and standards of delivery to form a unified opinion, in the National Federation of Furniture Decoration Chamber of Commerce, driven by the first national industry organizations to develop the national industry standard assembly 整机 - "Chinese home improvement product standard assembly," forthcoming . It is reported that the industry assembled the national standard, before March 2017, respectively, in May in Changsha, Qingdao organized two editorial meetings, the third final (final) meeting to discuss the modified "standard" content Will be sent to the expert review committee for final review.
Hot memo.

Actually home, Red Star Macalline interpretation of the industry competing relationship
On January 7, at the Fourth Annual China Household Industry Development Conference hosted by 11 major associations, Wang Linpeng, the chairman of the actual home, and Che Jianxin, the chairman of Red Star Macalline, won the 2016 Dayan Award "China Home Industry Merit Leadership Award ". As each other's biggest competitors, the two rarely met on the same stage, shook hands, walked shoulder to shoulder, and embraced the most perfect interpretation of the industry's co-opetitive relationship. Wang Linpeng, Che Jianxin as the two major domestic circulation enterprises at the helm to learn from each other in the competition, growing competition with each other. This year, the home actually focus on the layout of Jiangsu market, in-depth Red Star hinterland, while maintaining the expansion rate, but also in the core area of the Red Star Macalline understand the opponents and learn from each other.

European homes sent to the Shanghai Stock Exchange
March 28, the EU sent home officially listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, issue price of 50.08 yuan, after the issue of the total share capital of 4.15 million shares, the number of shares outstanding 41.51 million shares, an opening price of 72.12 yuan, the fund-raising 2.079 billion Yuan, mainly for Guangzhou, Tianjin, Wuxi and other regions of capacity expansion, brand building, information system construction. In accordance with the opening price to count, the European market to send home market value of nearly 30 billion yuan. It is noteworthy that Red Star Macalline holding Red Star Million with 4.49% of the shareholdings in the European sent home the third largest shareholder. On the other hand, it is the "customization" to occupy the outlet, other cross-sectoral enterprises into the capital market, or will be the capital of the promotion, Exacerbate the competition in the custom home industry. In the first half of 2017, Europe sent, still goods delivery, Piano, gold medal, Zhibang, I have music listed.

TATA sponsors World Championships
At the end of May 2017 World Championships, TATA wooden doors as the only designated Chinese home industry sponsor debut the German stadium. To "national ball" with "national" play, TATA to create a Chinese wooden door international card has taken the first step to expand the global territory. Chinese companies sponsor major sporting events already nothing new, but spending heavily in the home industry is still little-known investment, TATA took the lead in breaking the impasse. World Table Tennis Championships, Chinese athletes and TATA wooden doors on the world stage to show the international style. In recent years, Chinese home enterprises are making determined efforts to enter the international market in various forms and ways. From the export of OEM products to the establishment of their own brands, the expansion of Chinese home enterprises overseas is already on the way. The quality of "Made in China" Keep catching up with the advanced world level.
The first Beijing International Home Show and China Life Festival debut new country exhibition
From June 15 to June 18, the first Beijing International Home Show & China Life Festival was held in Beijing. Eight venues were 120,000 square meters, accommodating 483 home brands from all over the world and subverting the status quo of "Beijing No Exhibition" to meet Home consumers "reward, shopping, buying," the concentration of demands, leveraging children, pension and intelligence and other industries and enterprises intentions. What is worth looking forward to is that the holding of this exhibition has become the "brand activity" of the industry. The holding of each year in the future will attract a great deal of domestic power to gather in Beijing and will have a far-reaching impact on the current pattern of the domestic industry. During the show, the well-known "actually designer Cup" home design Grand Prix and the Master Craftsman Award also held over the same period, which is actually home to support the design of China to promote home innovation to design innovation, taken an important step. Eventually, HC28 won the Product Design Award of the Year, and designer Meng also won the Space Design Award of the Year. Yu Bin from Yazhen won the 2017 Master of Design Cup Artist's Award of the Year.

Europe Hao Group full control Boloni Home improvement
On September 9, Boloni and Guangdong Hao Group announced that Boloni was fully controlled by Ouhao Group. Boloni's overall home improvement, 50+, and fast-loading, 100% owned by Ouhao Group, all will be absorbed by Boluo Ni Whole house custom and soft installed, return to the original product. At the same time Boloni in Beijing strategic signing Country Garden Property, Sunshine City Group, Biya letter financial platform, Country Garden Phoenix, Allergy and other five companies, with the intention of using powerful developers to develop community resources.

2017 Lynx double 11 Super 40 home brand sales of billions
As of noon on November 12, the total transaction volume of Tmall Twin Eleven Carnival reached over RMB168.2 billion in 2017, reaching a new record high compared with the total sales volume of Double Eleven in 2016 of RMB102.7 billion. This year, Lynx Double Eleven Carnival home category brand billion once again expansion of the club. According to incomplete statistics, there are 42 home brands with a turnover of over 11 billion in 2017, including Lin's Wood, All-Friends Home, TATA Wooden Gate, PINGO International, Sofia, Oupai, Dongpeng, Nobel, Jiumu, Gujia , Chi Wah Shi, the boss appliances, side too, nature, Hui Da bathroom, Wrigley bathroom, love space, Xi Lin Men, Mercury textile, Carolina textile, Anna Anna, Op, Marg, Shang Pin Dai, Wei Italian custom, Marco Polo tiles, Dream day wood doors, gold kitchen cabinets, home improvement E station, TOTO, Huari home, Piano, about sofa, Op lighting, home decoration, Mousse, Wei poetry, home improvement e station, Arran, Quality goods, Chin-day exhibition (in alphabetical order).